Director. Writer. Producer.

Mandela and deKlerk

Mandela and de Klerk


Promotional spot for the Showtime original movie, Mandela and deKlerk.




One of the highlights of my career was directing the legendary actor Sidney Poitier in this promotional spot for the television drama, Mandela and deKlerk. The film centers around the negotiations between Nelson Mandela (played by Poitier) and F.W. de Klerk (played by Michael Caine) to end apartheid in South Africa. Cedric Scott, Sidney’s longtime friend and producer, had seen my short film, Two Lies, and offered me the job. I was stunned. Once the shock wore off, the nerves set in. How do you direct an Oscar-winning legend delivering a monologue about a Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights legend? An actor friend offered the simple, but profound advice, “Just get out of his way.”

I envisioned filming Sidney against a stark black background to capture the weight and magnitude of Mandela’s role and place in history. I arrived early on the set and rehearsed the dolly move with the DP, crew, and stand-in. Once I felt comfortable with the blocking, lighting and pacing, I waited for Sidney to arrive. To calm my nerves and increase concentration, I kicked up into a headstand. A few moments later, a figure entered the room and started walking towards me. It was Sidney Poitier -- and he was upside down! I quickly righted myself and, despite our somewhat awkward and humorous first encounter, he was completely gracious, generous, and collaborative. We made small adjustments to the script and, according to Cedric, Sidney gave me more takes than he usually grants directors. His performance was powerful and dignified and he treated me with complete respect.  

Sidney Poitier -  whether upside down, or right side up, is a true gentleman and an American master.